QU, Xiao Feng
(qǔ xiǎo fēng)
- PostDoc in Graduate School in Shenzhen, Tsinghua University
- Algorithm Engineer in LUMI United
- Inventor
- E-mail: quxiaofeng@live.com
- WeChat: xiaofengqu
My Family
My Wife Jocleyn

My Son Gavin

My Daughter Seven

My Daughter Pamela
A Wish List
- To build sites for family members: postponed.
- To practice languages with kids: doing …
- To swim and exercise with kids: doing …
- To read through my douban list: doing …
- To make my devices: postponed.
- To buy a Mac and to write iOS Apps: postponed (iPad?)
- To write books: Machine Learning with Julia - 用 Julia 搞机器学习, How to Design a Biometrics- 如何设计生物特征识别系统, and Optimizations.ml - 优化方法. Doing …
- To play with 3D printers with kids: postponed.
- To hack clusters and cloud computing: doing …