Matlab Debug State Checking

GitHub Repo - balance/CheckDebug

Refactor according to the matlab style guide


  1. matlab 函数名一般使用小写
    这里不是所有人都同意。matlab 内置函数一般使用小写,第三方程序有时使用混合大小写。但这里在使用时还是感觉全小写比较方便,混合大小写打字不方便,也容易记错。

  2. 返回值是逻辑变量,名称使用 is


  1. 添加基本的测试: 1, true, 'debug', 'test', 0, false, 'release', 'run'

  2. 添加后向兼容测试: CheckDebugState

  3. 添加例程测试,测试例程输出与标准输出

使用方法 / 例程

  1. 添加了一个简单的显示是否在调试状态的函数,作为使用该函数的例子
  2. 使用evalc将例程打印输出转向到字符串,并保存。fileread读入文本文件,并比较结果。这种方法能比较程序输出,易于用来编写测试。


function [ debug_state ] = isdebugging( debug_state )
% isdebugging Check debug status to determine if it is debugging.
%    debug_state = isdebugging(debug_state) parse a general debug
%    description (a number, text, or a logical values) to a 
%    standard logical value.
%    It returns true (in a debugging state) if the input is
%       1, true, 'debug', 'test'.
%    It returns false (in a non-debugging state) if the input is
%       0, false, 'release', 'run'.
%    Default (blank) input leads to false. (Not debugging)
%    After using this function, debug related code in scripts and functions
%    can be simply surrounded by
%        if debugState
%            ...
%        end
%    In addition, the function using isdebugging can be formatted as
%         function displaydebugstate(vars, debugState)
%         debugState = isdebugging( debugState );
%         if debugState
%             display 'debugging';
%             result = 'debugging';
%         else
%             result = 'running';
%         end
%         display(result);
%         end
%    For more information, see balance.

if nargin == 1
    switch debug_state
        case 1
            debug_state = true;
        case 0
            debug_state = false;
        case true
            debug_state = true;
        case false
            debug_state = false;
        case 'debug'
            debug_state = true;
        case 'release'
            debug_state = false;
        case 'test'
            debug_state = true;
        case 'run'
            debug_state = false;
            display(['wrong debugflag(' ...
                '1, true,  ''debug'',   ''test'', ' ...
                '0, false, ''release'', ''run''   ',...
            debug_state = false;
    debug_state = false;
