K-means, K-SVD, LC-KSVD and DPL
August 4, 2015
从 K-means 到 K-SVD11 M. Aharon, M. Elad, and A.M. Bruckstein, “The K-SVD: An Algorithm for Designing of Overcomplete Dictionaries for Sparse Representation”, the IEEE Trans. On Signal Processing, Vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 4311-4322, November 2006. http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~elad/publications/journals/2004/32_KSVD_IEEE_TSP.pdf22 O. Bryt and M. Elad, Compression of Facial Images Using the K-SVD Algorithm, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 19, No. 4, Pages 270-283, May 2008. http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~elad/publications/journals/2007/FaceCompress_KSVD_JVCIR.pdf33 R. Rubinstein, T. Peleg and M. Elad, Analysis K-SVD: A Dictionary-Learning Algorithm for the Analysis Sparse Model, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 61, No. 3, Pages 661-677, March 2013. http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~elad/publications/journals/2011/Analysis-KSVD-IEEE-TSP.pdf,到 LC-KSVD44 Zhuolin Jiang, Zhe Lin, Larry S. Davis. “Label Consistent K-SVD: Learning A Discriminative Dictionary for Recognition”. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2013, 35(11): 2651-2664. http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~zhuolin/projectlcksvd.html,到 DPL55 Gu, S., Zhang, L., Zuo, W., & Feng, X. (2014). Projective dictionary pair learning for pattern classification. In Z. Ghahramani, M. Welling, C. Cortes, N. D. Lawrence, & K. Q. Weinberger (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27 (pp. 793–801). Curran Associates, Inc. http://papers.nips.cc/paper/5600-spectral-clustering-of-graphs-with-the-bethe-hessian。
K-means 算法
任务:通过最近邻寻找能够表达数据样本 的最优编码本(codebook,既字典参数),既求解如下问题
初始化: 设置编码本矩阵 . 设置 。
循环至收敛 (使用停止规则)
1. 稀疏编码阶段:将训练样本 分为如下 个集合。
每个集合中存放与 列最相似的样本的索引。
2. 编码本更新阶段: 中的任一列 都根据如下公式更新。
3. 令
K-means 相当于是只使用编码本矩阵中的一列的稀疏表达。又因为只有一列,所以系数为1。其中该列由如下公式确定。
Julia Code Highlight Test
function updateA!(A::Array{Any,1},
# Update tempDictCoef by Eq. (8)
for i=1:length(A)
@inbounds TempDict::Matrix{Float64} = D[i]
@inbounds TempData::Matrix{Float64} = DataMat[i]
tempDictCoef::Matrix{Float64} = TempDict' * TempDict
tempDictDataCoef::Matrix{Float64} = TempDict' * TempData
@inbounds C::Matrix{Float64} = P[i] * TempData
diagadd!(tempDictCoef, τ)
fma!(tempDictDataCoef, C, τ)
@inbounds A[i] = tempDictCoef \ tempDictDataCoef